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Martian Notifier 3.02
Martian Watches
FOR USE WITH MARTIAN NOTIFIER WATCHES ONLY.ForMartian Voice Command Watches (Passport, Victory, G2G), pleasedownload the Martian Watch Alerts app (blue).This app supports the Martian Notifier watch by sendingreal-time notifications: Caller ID, texts, Facebook, Twitter,Weather, Email, Calendar, Instagram, Pinterest, favorite games,your bank, fitness stats, and any other alert your deviceallows.• Send all of your smartphone's alerts and notifications.• Customize alert vibration patterns for each notification• Choose which alerts are sent to your watch and which stay on yourphone• Look up past notifications• Silent alarm, hourly repeater• Also includes world clock, current weather, leash, find phone
Martian Watch Alerts 3.0.1
Martian Watches
FOR USE WITH MARTIAN VOICE COMMAND WATCHES(PASSPORT, VICTORY, G2G) ONLY.For Martian Notifier, please download the Martian Notifier app(orange).The Martian Alerts App allows Martian Voice Command Watch users tocustomize the Watch settings and their Watch Notification/Alertpreferences.Features Include:• Connection status information between App and Watch.• Simple interface to customize which AndroidMessages/Notifications/Alerts you want sent to the Watch.• Customizable Vibration Patterns for each Message type withcustomizable Vibration Intensity settings.• Set the Watch to vibrate at a Target Minute each hour.• Set one-time or repeating alarms to be sent to the Watch.• Find Watch and Find Phone• Configure other Watch preferences and settings including displayof World Clock, Weather Forecast, Language, Do Not Disturb (DND),LED Light Display, Leash, Gesture, Date and Time Format, Time Zone,Scroll Speed, Alert Scroll Delay, Character Limit, and BoldNumbers.• Help Section including access to Product Registration, UserManual, Frequently Asked Questions, Sample Notifications and CheckFirmware Version.Thanks to OpenWeatherMap at for their weatherreporting APIs.What is new in this version:In version 2.0 several bugs have been fixed and multiple newfeatures have been added including:• Receive Notifications from 1000s of Apps – Now you can get alertsand messages from more than just Calls, Text Messages, Calendar,Email, Facebook and Twitter. Your watch now supports alerts fromalmost any app that sends push notifications to your phone. 18popular apps are pre-set on the list, and whenever you get yourfirst alert from an app not there (e.g. ESPN SportsCenter), thatapp will be added to the list.• Select Which Watch Notifications/Alerts to Receive – Filter theNotifications you want to receive on your Watch using a simpleon/off App interface.• Customizable Vibration Patterns – Set custom Vibration Patternsfor individual Notifications in order to distinguish alert typeswithout even a glance at your Watch. With this feature you’ll knowif an incoming alert was, for example, a text message rather thanan email.• Silent Alarms – Create up to five one-time or repeatingvibration-only alarms using the App. Applications include silentwake-up, medication reminder, an advanced alert for a scheduledtrain stop, etc.• Do Not Disturb (DND) – Receive only Silent Alarms and restrictother notifications.• Hour Repeater – Receive a unique double-vibration at a targetminute of each hour during a user-defined period of the day. Greatfor just a nudge on the hour or a signal to get up and stretch at agiven time every hour.• Bold Numbers Option – Displays all numerals on the Watch in Boldfont. Great for improved viewing of numbers in sunlight and when onthe move with fitness alerts.• Character Limit Locking – Limit Notifications on the Watch to 40characters if desired.• Sample Notifications – Send your Watch a sample text or emailmessage to test the connection between your Watch and mobiledevice.• Check Firmware Version – Ensure that you have the latest versionof Firmware on your Watch.